
Capital FM ‘s Love Doctor Presenter Faces Jail Over Ugx 12M Fraud!



Love Doctor Presenter Innocent Levy Arinaitwe being taken to Police on Thursday before securing bond.

A Capital FM Radio Presenter Innocent Arinaitwe commonly known as Levy is on the verge of going to prison should he fail to refund 12 million shillings he reportedly obtained from a Kampala Based City Lawyer to organize February 2024 Valentines Day Dinner for lovers but failed to organize the event and to remit the capital back to the lawyer.

According to the Complainant (lawyer who has preferred anonymity for his personal safety , Levy took 12 million from him on 13th September 2023 contending was going to organize valentines day dinner event on 14th Feb 2024 which never happened.

Innocent Levy Arinaitwe at CPS on Thursday.

He also reportedly took money saying he was to make reservations for artists like Iryn Ntale, Abeka band and reserve venue at Serena pool side but he never did any of the above despite taking the money and as such , the complainant says he was prompted to report a case wherein Police preferred charges of obtaining money by false pretense under SD Reference 35/09/05/2024.

The evidence submitted to Police which our reporter has seen indicates that the parties agreed that the sum or capital needed to to organize the dinner was 22 million shillings and the complainant would contribute 12 million shillings and Levy 10 million shillings.

“That the sum above shall be used to meet the necessary expenses to wit securing of the Venue (Serena swimming Pool Side) decoration expenses, advertising , meals and payment to artists who shall perform at the event namely; Irene Ntale, Abeka Banda and Kenneth Mugabi among others to ensure a successful event. “, reads the agreement.

Innocent Levy Arinaitwe reported back to Police today as per bond terms and conditions.

The agreement also shows that Levy was charged with effecting of payments for all the necessary prerequisites and receipts/evidence of expenses /accountability shall be availed to the First Party at every stage without fail.

The money was later deposited on his Housing Finance Bank Account 1000108191 in the name Arinaitwe Innocent . Among the assignments as per the agreement further, Levy, was supposed to get the donors , sponsors to the event and ensuring wide advertisement of the event on all forums /giving it publicity to enable public attendance in addition to ensuring proper and efficient organization of the same.

The parties had agreed that each couple pays 500,000 shillings for Platinum and it was to be reviewed in case a couple prefers gold .

“Both parties agree that in case of any misrepresentation or fraudulent conduct by the second party or failure to perform his obligation towards a successful event , he shall be liable to indemnify the first party/complainant with all monies paid together with interest and incidental costs”, reads the agreement before Police.

Reference number at Police.

For avoidance of doubt, the agreement indicates that the parties agreed to share all the profits from selling the tickets and gate collections.

However, it’s against this background that the Complainant reported a criminal Case at Police and Levy was accordingly arrested and taken to CPS on Thursday before getting released on bond .

Earlier in the day, Levy also reported back to police as per his bond terms and conditions.


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