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Electoral Commission term ends, no replacement yet!



Uganda has taken 2 days now without the Electoral Commission after the term of office of the Independent Electoral Commission came to an end on the 7th January 2024.

The Commissioners led by Justice Simon Byabakama as the Chairperson with other Commissioners who include Hajjat Aisha M. Lubega Basajjanaku as the Deputy Chairperson, Justine Ahabwe Mugabi, Hon. Stephen Tashobya, Ms. Nathaline Etomaru, Al-Haji Sebaggala M. Kigozi, & Mr. Emorut James Peter had their term come to an end without being re-appointed by the President who is the appointing authority.

The outgoing Commission prides itself on doing a lot of work that includes organizing elections for Administrative Units (LC 1 & II) elections in 2018, Women Councils & Committees Elections in 2018, General Elections 2020/21 Presidential, General Parliamentary & Local government Councils, 39 Parliamentary by-elections, 12 District Chairperson LC 5 by-elections and by-elections for 762 lower Local Government Council positions.

Now there is panic as to what could be next. The Commissioners join a list of other vacant positions that have taken time with no replacements. The Governor Bank of Uganda is one of those offices after it’s former occupant the late Mutebile Emmanuel died in 2022 and todate he has not been replaced. The other one is the Minister for Labor relations Hon Engola Okello who was shot dead by his body guard in May 2023 and todate he has not been replaced.