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MP Mawanda Detained in Nateete as Police Probes His Large Scale Theft!



MP Mawanda who has been detained at Nateete Police station in Kampala.

President Museveni’s war launched against the corrupt Members of Parliament has deepened as Igara East MP Michael Mawanda has been detained at Nateete Police Station over embezzlement of 164 billion shillings that was meant to compensate of lost funds and property for cooperatives during the war between 1979 and 2006.

Our reporter has exclusively learnt that Mawanda is going to spend the whole night of Wednesday and that of Thursday behind the bars to allow for further interrogation. This was after the detectives felt it was not enough to have Mawanda released only after the four hours of interrogation spent earlier. They thus want to spend more time with him so as to ably reveal whom did he spend the money with, on what and why along others.

According to sources, tomorrow Thursday, a search will also be conducted at his home also near Nateete in a bid to get leads and to conclude thorough investigations because they want all culprits jailed.

The arrest of Mawanda and his  subsequent detention comes two days after he was summoned  Elgon County MP  Nyasio Mudimi Wamakuyu  to appear before the CID Headquarters in Kibuli, Kampala today. Mawanda will be presented to court soon to face justice.

The arrest comes  barely a month when PLU ‘s Vice Chairperson for Central Region Frank Gashumba blasted Mawanda for being a corrupt legislator with questionable character marred with illegalities and indiscipline itself because of looting the society.

This was after Mawanda had summoned Gashumba before the PLU Disciplinary Committee following the latter’s post on X decrying insecurity within Kampala City and calling for the resignation of top security commanders if they are unable to make the city free from criminals.

In response, Gashumba in his May 28th 2024 letter asked Mawanda “by the way tell us when will you appear before the CID for corruption and theft of cooperatives money meant for compensation of poor people to the tune of Ugx 164 billion shillings?”

Although Museveni started a hunt on the corrupt legislators and has since put MPs Cissy Namujju, Yusuf Mutembuli and Paul Akamba behind bars over the same, sources also say the CID ‘s eyes were awakened by the Influencer Gashumba’s extensive and conclusive letter to Mawand