A section of Members of Parliament on the Health Committee of are discussing the National Health Insurance Bill which if passed seeks to give health insurance to Ugandans. The bill if passed into law would mean that Ugandans will be able to access high quality health care services without having to pay for them. Analysts say that health insurance helps to generate enough resources to cater for the population hence improving health services in a country.

Permanent Secretary Min of Health, Dr. Diana Atwine
During a retreat at Serena Hotel Kigo, the MP for Kabale Municipality Dr. Nicholas Kamara presented a paper on the experience and good practices on National Health Insurance in Ethiopia to guide MPs on deliberating on the scheme in Parliament. In this region, Ethiopia is one of the countries doing well in the health sector which is attributed to this policy, another country in East African region with National Health Insurance is Rwanda. The Permanent Secretary Ministry Ministry of Health Dr. Diana Atwine also attended the workshop.