The Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development, Hon Betty Amongi has that women’s rights and empowerment are key in achieving national goals.
While addressing the press at the Uganda Media Center ahead of the Non-Aligned Women’s Event (NAMWomensEventUG), Amongi said that one of the Government’s priority is to ensure women’s rights and empowerment.

The Ministry of Gender has partnered with UNAIDS and UN Women along with women NGOs, Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) and Uganda Women Network (UWONET) to organize the event which kicks off tomorrow at Skyz Hotel Naguru in Kampala; it is a NAM sidelines event.
“The Kampala Side event will build upon the recommendations and outcomes of the previous NAM Meeting, held in Azerbaijan, where commitments were made to address gender disparities and discrimination.” said Mrs Patricia Munabi, the Executive Director FOWODE.

“Strengthening Women’s Rights and Empowerment in NAM Countries.” is the theme of the 3-day event.