The Parliament’s Human Rights Committee has dropped a bombshell informing the Parliament that the DPP has hit a dead end regarding the prosecution of killers of former MP Ibrahim Abiriga due to ”no clear leads found during the investigations,”.
The Committee Chairperson Hon Fox Odoi said that no person has been charged so far as the evidence collected does not implicate any specific individual for the commission of the offence.
“The investigations are continuing and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution team is continually evaluating the evidence on the file to determine any progress made in this regard. However, the progress so far has not yielded anything because there is no meaningful leads in these investigations as all previous leads allegedly hit dead ends according to the ODPP,” said Hon Odoi.
Abiriga was gunned down in broad day light on June 8, 2018 together with his brother who doubled as his bodyguard Saidi Butele Kongo at Kawanda, Wakiso District near his home.
President Museveni immediately directed security agencies to find the assailants who shot dead the Arua Municipality MP and bring them to book.
Relatedly, the DPP also informed Parliament that Police is yet to gather worthwhile evidence that can implicate the people behind the murder of Yasin Kawuma that occurred in Arua in August 2018. Kawuma was Bobi Wine’s driver.
“According to the DPP, the case file was thoroughly perused, reviewed and examined but no one has been charged or indicted for the incident as the evidence gathered was insufficient to warrant any progress in prosecution,” Hon Odoi said.
Parliament was further informed that that the DPP directed Police to close and shelf the case file of a one Ramathan Walyendo who was killed by a stray bullet during the 2018 by-elections in Bugiri District due to sufficient evidence to warrant prosecution of the offenders.

Meanwhile, the DPP admitted to Parliament that efforts are underway to request extradition of the top suspect in the Joan Kagezi murder who is a fugitive in central Europe. The fugitive had previously been indicted for murder on a different case and was granted bail which he jumped and left the country to Europe.